JIM WELTE. Writer. Editor.

Catching Up With… TV on the Radio

BY JIM WELTE | Published at 7:00 AM on September 25, 2008 For the second year in a row, a 70-year-old, man-made island in the middle of the San Francisco Bay was home to some of the finest live bands in the country. Over two days this past weekend, the Treasure Island Music Festival welcomed the likes of the Raconteurs, The […]

Jolie Holland: Pastoral Folk Musings and Old World Damage

By: Jim Welte | published on September 17, 2008 On her latest effort, The Living and the Dead, a gifted singer-songwriter continues to grow, putting panic attacks and stress-induced illness behind her. At last month’s Pickathon Roots Music Festival near Portland, Oregon, singer-songwriter Jolie Holland sported sunglasses throughout her nighttime performance. But the choice of eyewear was no act of […]