JIM WELTE. Writer. Editor.

Voters sue over Novato Sanitary election

A pair of voters, claiming they were disenfranchised because they weren’t given the chance to vote, filed a lawsuit late Monday to contest the results of the Nov. 3 election for three seats on the Novato Sanitary District board.

The complaint was filed by Suzan Sharpley and Robert Abeling, who say they represent a type of voter who should have been able to vote in the Novato Sanitary election but couldn’t because the race was excluded from their ballots. The lawsuit names as defendants Marin County Registrar of Voters Elaine Ginnold and district board member Bill Long, who defeated challenger Bill Scott by 15 votes.

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December 21, 2009 Marin IJ, News

Metallica’s Hetfield donates 330 acres to county

Metallica rock band leader James Hetfield has donated to the county a 330-acre agricultural conservation easement near his home on land overlooking Lucas Valley.

The Marin Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously accepted donation of the easement, which precludes development on the land known as the Luiz Ranch.

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December 15, 2009 Marin IJ, News